Tuesday 7 August 2012

Baby 3D 4D Scan

What do you know about baby 3D 4D scan?

If you are pregnant, or your wife is pregnant and wonder if a 3D 4D scan is appropriate for your baby, then you should continue reading the following information.

To make parents understand better in an easier way, I have put this article into a Q&A format:

  1. What is 3D scan? What is 4D scan?

    When a 3D 4D scan needs to be done, you will see sonographer or doctor who conducts the scan will hold the volume probe as shown in the right picture. 

    This probe is specially designed to do 3D 4D scan, when the 3D 4D function is activated, usually you will feel a very gentle vibration from this probe (don't worry, it wouldn't hurt you or your baby), and on the screen, usually you will see 2 pictures with one picture (black/white) on the left and one 3D/4D picture stays on the right (shown in the picture below). 

    When you feel the vibration, meaning the inner motor within the probe actually rotates to send out ultrasound wave within the wide range of angle and ultimately creating one slide of 3D image of your baby. 

    So if the inner motor continuously rotating to send out signals, then we are able to see your baby in 3D mode moving, that's what we call 4D.

    In short, 3D is a stationary image of your baby, and 4D is a short video clips to see your baby in action!!! =)

  2. Why do we do 3D 4D scan?

    There are many reasons to do 3D 4D scan. The most common one is for parents to keep a very sweet memory for their precious baby, and indeed this is their first ever naked photo even before the baby is born!!! Many parents find that the scan has increased the bonding among father, mother and the baby. Sometimes the scan help us to explain better to parents, so we do this scan to assure parents about the gender of their baby, no cleft lips and sometimes to assure parents that the fingers and toes of their baby are complete.

  3. Is it necessary to conduct 3D 4D scan for my baby?

    No. This scan is not compulsory in order to ensure the health of your baby. For sonographers or doctors who are experienced with ultrasound scanning, a normal 2D (black/white) ultrasound scanning, i.e., 2D detailed scan, will help them to thoroughly check the baby's health without the aid of 3D 4D scan

  4. Does 3D 4D scan cause any harm to my baby?

    No. Up to dates, no scientific evidences show that ultrasound scanning, i.e., no matter 2D black & white scan or 3D 4D ultrasound scan would cause any destructive effect to the unborn baby or to mother. Nevertheless, we always encourage parents to scan their baby with a reason, e.g., for check up scan, follow up scan or for taking 3D photo for baby, but not simply scanning whenever they feel like it.

  5. Is 3D 4D scan the only scan to confirm the gender of my baby?

    No. An experienced sonographer or a doctor should be able to tell the gender correctly and explain to parents in black & white 2D scan without having a 3D 4D scan.

  6. Can 3D 4D scan tell us if my baby is normal and healthy in every aspect?

    No. Only 2D detailed scan is able to detect most of structural abnormalities of your baby. If you want to ensure your baby is healthy in most of the aspects, 2D detailed scan should be your choice of scan for your baby but not 3D 4D scan. But bear in mind, even in the best hand, sometimes there are some abnormalities may still remain undetectable in a 2D detailed scan. 

  7. When is the best period to do a 3D 4D scan for my baby? Can we do more than one time?

    Every center may have their own preferred scan period for 3D 4D scan, but the following is what I practice:

    20 weeks - 23 weeks:  Scan focus on baby face (may be skinny) but baby motions (yawning, kicking, etc.) are always entertaining and memorable

    24 weeks - 28 weeks:  Scan focus on baby face, gender and motions. 

    29 weeks and above:  Scan focus on face, gender (if enough space), at this stage baby may not be so cooperative for photos and we often get pictures like what it shows on the right. 

  8. Can we always get good 3D 4D photos of my baby as what we usually see on internet?

    No. To get good 3D photos of the baby, it really depends on the cooperation from the baby. It always depends on few factors from baby,
    -  Baby Position (Not facing down)
    -  Hands Position (Not covering face)

    - Placental position (Not covering the face front view)
    - Umbilical Cord Position (Not in front of the face)
    - The amount of amniotic fluid (water/fluid in womb) in front of baby face (big space with enough fluid)

  9. What is HD 3D 4D scan?

    This is a newly developed technology to be added on top of current 3D 4D technology in which the baby will look more "real" under this technology. Of course currently this scan is still not very commonly available and with its more advance capability, this scan would be quite pricey at this moment. The below picture is not the true HD 3D 4D image but it will somehow look similar to this.

1 comment:

  1. Ultrasounds were used by the doctors to examine the health of the baby. But with these processes only a 2D image of the womb could be captured which makes the work difficult for the doctors to determine the proper health of the baby. For more information please click here
