Monday 17 December 2012

NT Scan

NT, Nuchal Translucency, is the term we use for the  collection of fluid under skin of the baby during 12-14 weeks. Many babies with chromosomal abnormalities, cardiac defects and some genetic syndromes have increased measurements of NT. This is the critical period for the sonographer or doctor to detect especially for the presence of Down Syndrome.

Normal Organ should be observed under Ultrasound

Normal thickness for NT (< 3 mm)

Increased in NT thickness (> 3mm) & absence of Nasal Bone.

Although NT scan is a sensitive screening scan to pick up cases of thickened NT as well as the presence of the nasal bone, it's not a definitive tool to give final diagnosis, and the final diagnosis often required an extra step called amniocentesis (to extract the amniotic fluid to access the DNA to run specific testing.)


Tuesday 7 August 2012

Baby 3D 4D Scan

What do you know about baby 3D 4D scan?

If you are pregnant, or your wife is pregnant and wonder if a 3D 4D scan is appropriate for your baby, then you should continue reading the following information.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Scanning Packages & Guidelines


Dear parents, are you still unsure about which and what scan you need to do for your baby? Check out and go through the details of this post may help you clarify most of questions =)

Do use the Pregnancy Calculator provided on the right side tool bar to help when and which scan you should do for your baby.  =)

Or if you have read through and confident with what scan you need then Click Here to proceed to next step.

Monday 30 July 2012

Am I pregnant, How?!

you are married,
you don't have family planning,
your previous periods were regular,
you have recent (< 2 months) unprotected sexual intercourse

Now if......
you have backache, 
you have breast tenderness, 
you have nausea, headache, 
you have constipation, diarrhea, cramping,
you have spotting, increased vaginal discharge

And now if......
you miss your period more than 5 weeks


Sunday 29 July 2012

Baby Scan, Why Ultrasound?

When comes to scanning check up, many parents may have the same questions:

Is ultrasound safe?
Any radiation incurred by ultrasound scanner?
Too many scan done may increase risk of radiation?